Calibend cost effective laser heating for sheet metal processing

CaliBend: a flexible, cost-effective laser module for thermal-assisted bending of high-strength steels

CaliBend: a flexible, cost-effective laser module for thermal-assisted bending of high-strength steels


E. Carbonell-SanromĂ (a), F. Schmidt(b), D. Panick(c), J.J. Montiel-Ponsoda(a), M. Eckert(b), C. Melchers(c)

(a) MONOCROM S.L., 6 Vilanoveta Street, 08800 Vilanova i la Geltrú, Barcelona, Spain; (b) Fraunhofer Institute for Production Technology IPT, Steinbachstraße 17, 52074 Aachen, Germany; (c) Franz Pauli GmbH & Co. KG, 24 Hauptstraße, 59469 Ense-Parsit, Germany

Presened at

SPIE LASE, 2020, San Francisco, California, United States

Proceedings Volume 11273, High-Power Laser Materials Processing: Applications, Diagnostics, and Systems IX; 112730M (2020)


“CaliBend” proposes a direct diode laser approach for thermal assisted processing of steel sheets. Our module aims at enabling bending processes of high-strength steels (HSS) and with minimal bending radii without inducing damage to the metal part. In this work we present a laser source integrated on an industrial servo press for continuous die processing. The metal sheet is heated up locally by laser radiation before the bending stroke. By reaching power densities close to 40 W/mm2, the bending line of the metal sheet reaches the hot forming temperature regime in under two seconds allowing a faultless while increasing the typically low forming limits of HSS.


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