Effect of stress on the temperature coefficient of solder-free mounted laser diode bars
Carles Oriach-Font (a), Eduard Carbonell-Sanromà (a), Gemma Safont-Camprubí (a), Sandra Tricas-Mendoza (a), Clàudia Garcia-Cubero (a)
(a) Monocrom S.L., c/ Vilanoveta 6, Vilanova i la Geltrú, Barcelona, Spain 08800
Presented at
SPIE LASE, Presented live 25 January 2022, San Francisco, California, United States
Variation of lasing wavelength with temperature is a key factor to determine packaging thermal resistance in laser diodes. Using proprietary mounting technology that clamps laser bars instead of using soldering material we can precisely control the stress applied on the laser bars. We experimentally demonstrate that uniaxial stress in the normal direction of the p-n junction (which results in tensile stress in the lattice) increases the temperature characteristic of laser diodes. We report a temperature characteristic raise between 10% and 50% under different stress conditions.
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