Two local companies;
REMSA & MONOKROM, set out together to a curious laser development: a golf stick with a laser pointer for the practice of the swing movement in golf. 5000 units are manufactured and sold in USA. A new laser company is born under the name of MONOCROM.

Monocrom develops its first mountings with micrometric precision: an optic fiber fault detector for Telefonica, the Spanish leader in telecommunications. The product has a huge success and is approved to be officially used in Telefonicas’ systems.

Monocrom launches to the market its range finder laser devices. Mounted on robotic vehicles , the range finders are used in nuclear centrals to measure the distance of objects with radioactivity.

The company proves an innovative way of mounting diode bars without soldering. The unique CLAMPING technology is able to improve considerably laser performance and solve the non-desired “smile effect”. Patented and kept for exclusive use of the company, nowadays, Monocroms’ lasers are the only ones that benefit of its advantages.

First pumping heads released to the market. The Cathedral of Valencia is one of the many buildings and monuments where the PHs are used for wall and painting restoration.

The launch of the multipath resonator, a single mode diode-pumped solid state laser marks a milestone in Monocrom’s trajectory. The company has grown and its products obtain international recognition. The multipath resonator soon becomes one of Monocrom’s bestsellers.

The company moves to its new facillities in Vilanova i la Geltrú, not far from the old factory. Nowadays Monocrom is still located there.

Monocrom faces its biggest challenge in space with the ESA ExoMars 2020 project, established to investigate vestiges of life on Mars. Monocrom is in charge of the development of a green diode-pumped solid state laser which has to satisfy very strict requirements to meet both space mission and scientific needs.

Monocrom makes great strides in ophthalmology: its ultra short pulse green laser for degenerated macular treatment is considered one of the most important advantages in eye surgery from the last years. Thanks to its optimum performance the laser treats suc-cessfully damaged eye area while inducing minimum harm to the healthy tissue, thus fastening patient’s recovery.

After setting higher standards for its lasers Monocrom gets active in the defense and military Industry providing laser solutions for an array of applications.

Monocrom develops an innovative solution for pumping applications based on a new internal distribution of the optical elements inside the cavity. The innovation permits a higher uniformity of the gain profile at high pumping power while keeping a compact form factor.

After showing steady annual growth of 60%, Monocrom establishes new sales offices very close to the main factory in Vilanova i la Geltru. The moves comes as part of the effort of the company to solidify the sales activity and improve customer service.

Product testing is automatized to assure precision and quality standards. The new PAL system is based on accuracy in repetitiveness

Celebration of our 30 years as a company in the Laser & Photonics industry!